IN MEMORIAM: Jackie Dill

By Brad Wilson
We are saying goodbye (Kila) to one of the most incredible and inspiring women I have ever known. Jackie Lynn Dill was the first neighbor I met as the Director at St. Francis of the Woods. She quickly became one of my closest friends. She had so much to teach. Deep knowledge of the earth and its resources passed from her grandmother, to her, to her many grandchildren (biological and otherwise). I am lucky to have known her for the last three years. Lucky to have shared many meals, and walks, and back country roads with her. Lucky to have loved and been loved by the incredible force that is Jackie Dill. Wado, Jackie.
Jackie Lynn Dill was born April 5, 1953. She went to be with her Creator on June 29, 2017. She was preceded in her journey by the love of her life, James "Jim" Dill. She is survived by two daughters, Heather Welcome and Jonelle Smalley, and five granddaughters.
O Great Spirit, Our Creator, we thank you for the life of Jackie, for her deep knowledge and deep love. We thank you for the care she has given to our Mother Earth, and the wisdom she has shared with us.
Great Spirit of Love, set her free from every bond and tribulation. Let Light perpetual shine upon her. Grant her rest in a place of vast prairies where tatanka roam, where there is neither sorrow nor pain.
Great Spirit of Creation, with each sunset you remind us that we must fade into you. Give Jackie a beautiful color, give her a great sky for setting. That she may come to meet you in glory. And grant that we who remain may feel her presence and love with us wherever we go. Aho and Amen.
Oklahoma Wildcrafting:

Jackie Dill She’s Oklahoma Wildcrafting
Poem by: Victoria Nichols-Morris
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
Her roots go deep and deeper still
In Heritage Tradition, she’s so skilled
She’s teaching Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
Says Foraging Ethics we best learn
Else, a tossed rock you may earn
She’s safeguarding Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill Our Jackie Dill
She’s taking us by the hand
Leading us through verdant land
We’re proud being Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
Given’ those greedy bastards hell
Her heart goes deeper than any oil well
She’s protecting Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
They could not take her strength of will
Proud and strong, she’s fighting still
Still fighting for Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
There’s painful tears at her passing,
For those who knew a legacy everlasting
Everlasting, she’s Oklahoma Wildcrafting.
Jackie Dill oh Jackie Dill
She’s Oklahoma Wildcrafting
She’s Oklahoma Wildcrafting

Rest in peace, our dear friend